Larkham Bible Transcriptions
Sarah Clark Burdick

                  It was interesting to see the letterhead of the paper my great-grandmother wrote these records on. Her father, Levi Nelson Clark, was a member of the State of Connecticut House of Representatives for several years, and in 1904 he served as Clerk on the House of Representative's Committee on State Prison (which is where this stationery obviously came from -- see page 2).

                  My guess is that my grandmother transcribed these records shortly after the death of her parents, who died almost exactly a year apart in 1933 and 1934. Her mother, Carrie Larkham Clark, probably either had a copy of these same records, or perhaps a Larkham bible was actually in existence at the time. Because of the size of the graphic images, I've put them on separate web pages. The scan of the first page is shown, below. Subsequent pages can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate page link, below:

Page 2: Larkham Births, continued      Page 3: Larkham Marriages     Page 4: Larkham Deaths


Page 1: Larkham Births

Page 1 Larkham Births 

Page 2: Larkham Births, continued      Page 3: Larkham Marriages     Page 4: Larkham Deaths